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Runikhata Library

Runikhata College was established in the year 2010. The College Library initially started in 2011 in a temporary building and later shifted to present permanent library building in the year 2017. The Library is housed in a state of art building spread across 35.81 Sq. Meter (First Floor) with future plane to extend till Second floor. The library has good collection of textbooks, reference books, journals, popular journals, current periodicals, back volumes (Journals), Newsletter, Question Bank, newspapers and magazines etc. The library remains open from 9.00 A.M. to 4 P.M. on all working days. Collection strength of the Library as on as on 26th February 2024 is 2765 mainly in Social Science. In view of changing scenario of education system it is planned to improve the infrastructure of the Library every year.

Mission and Vision

  1. Library is a unique Knowledge Centre. The mission of the library is to provide the Runikhata College community with access to rich and relevant information resources to support their research, teaching and learning activities to foster the intellectual growth.
  2. The vision of Runikhata College library is to position itself as one of the leading Academic library in India. The library also aims to provide seamless access to academic curricular information to users of Runikhata College in a networked environment by Creating Digital Content in the field of Arts.


  1. To create an environment for more productive teaching–learning process by providing a highly interactive electronic network giving access to e-resources through digital library.
  2. Develop and maintain policies and programmes that are oriented towards and centered on users.
  3. Maximize our staff capability and potential to enable them to provide effective, responsive and innovative services
  4. Utilize library and information technology innovatively and appropriately
  5. Develop and maintain effective and efficient infrastructure to provide and deliver information services to the user community
  6. Support and enhance teaching and learning processes by delivering and promoting the effective use of information resources and services
  7. Promote the standing and good reputation of the college through excellence in library services, collaboration with other organizations and enhance staff contribution to the communit

Library Collection


List of Newspapers

  1. The Assam Tribune
  2. The Times ofIndia
  3. Bodosa Newspaper
  4. Assamiya Pratidin

Library Staffs

Mr. Alongbar Basumatary,
MLISC, NET (Librarian)

Mr. Jeckison Basumatary,
MLISc., B.P.Ed, PGDCA (Library Assistant)

Library Rules & Regulations

General Rules:

  1. Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
  2. Silence to be maintained
  3. No discussion permitted inside the library
  4. Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources
  5. No personal belongings allowed inside the library
  6. Text books, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
  7. Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
  8. Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
  9. The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
  1.  Admission to Library: Students are allowed to library only on production of their authorized/valid Identity Cards Working Hours of the Library  : Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  2. Circulation Issue System: Books will be issued on presentation of the library card along with the ID card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
  3. Overdue Charges: Materials borrowed should be returned on or before the due date stamped, if returned late overdue fine will be charged for the delayed period.
  4. Book Lost: If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the librarian.
  5. Care of library borrower cards: Take special care to maintain the library borrower cards. Do not fold, alter entries made on the cards, Members are responsible for the entire set of library borrower card issued to them.
  6. Loss of cards: Loss of borrower card should be reported to the librarian. Duplicate card may be issued against formal application and fine.
  7. Validity of cards: Library borrower cards are valid for the entire duration of the course to access library facilities.
  8. No due Certificate: Each student shall obtain No dues certificate from the library after returning all the books issued, surrendering the borrower’s cards and after paying outstanding dues if any.
  9. Care of Library Books: Students are require to handle the books/ Journal very carefully; marking with pencil , writing or highlighting , tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.
  10. Reference section: This section has Encyclopedia, dictionaries, Textbooks Reference books etc. which are only available for reference. User can make use of these resources.
  11. Journal Section: In these section journals, general magazines and news letter are available. They are arranged alphabetically. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer. Bound volumes of periodicals are arranged in rack alphabetically and are meat only for reference within the library.

Library Image Gallery